Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Blog!

Hey everyone,

I moved my blog and will be using that blog in place of this one. Check it out!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Product Review: Revlon's Grow Luscious Mascara

Fact: Mascara is a girl's best accessory. I could walk out of the house looking stellar from head to toe, but if I don't have mascara on, I feel incomplete.

Fact: All mascaras are not created equal. I made it my mission year ago to try every drugstore mascara until I found the perfect one. Which I did recently, and I've mentioned it in a previous post (Maybelline's The Falsies Volume Express Mascara).

Though I feel my mission is complete, I don't want to entirely give up trying new mascaras because there might be something better. That being said, a couple of weeks ago I tried Revlon's Grow Luscious Mascara. I'm all for growing my lashes, what woman isn't? It was on sale and it came with an eyeshadow, so I figured it was worth a shot. Big mistake!

Fact: I have never hated any mascara. Disappointed? Yes, but never hated. Well, there's always a first time...

The brush was too big, and I felt that I couldn't fully coat my lashes with the brush being more in the way than actually being useful. As far as how it looked when I finally managed to put some on, it wasn't anything special. It didn't really lengthen, volumize or curl, which is kind of the whole point when it comes to mascara. However, this is not what completely turned me off from this product. I wore it for 2 hours, came home and looked in the mirror. I looked like a raccoon. It had flaked and smudged all around my eyes and who know's when it actually started to flake. I could have been walking around like that for an hour. I've never had that happen to me.

So if you want to grow your lashes, want to try something new or on a quest to find that perfect mascara, let me save you some trouble. This mascara is not worth your money (no matter how cheap or on sale it is).

Monday, January 3, 2011

Outfit of the Day- Sonny Munroe inspired look...

Hope everyone had an amazing holiday! Mine was pretty low-key, but good!

Confession time: I love the Disney Channel.... a lot. I wish I could blame it on my son, but he's 2 and it started long before he was born. Oh well, there are worst things...

This look is loosely (emphasis on loosely) inspired by Sonny Munroe, the main character on Sonny With A Chance, played by Demi Lovato. Even though Sonny's style is very girly (which I'm not... I'm just a little girly) I still really like it.

I couldn't find good pictures of her look, but here it is: 

I just found a long belted top with a flower print, layered it with a long white cardigan that I already had, added jeans, taupe boots and layered 2 necklaces. 

WARNING: I love this top, and it is one of my favorites, but the elastic belt in the middle is not comfy. So I would not recommend wearing this shirt for long periods of time. It also folds over and scrunches up a lot, so you have to adjust it often. 

And here's my version: 

Cardigan: Hautelook
Top: Forever 21
Jeans: Anchor Blue
Boots: Shoedazzle
Necklaces: Forever 21


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to: Braided Top Knot

One of the girls I subscribe to on YouTube, Juicystar07, just posted a Top knot hair tutorial, and I decided to try it out. I'm really loving these high bun type hairstyles right now because they're quick and easy. It's the cure to bad hair days! 

My video is really similar to hers, but I added a couple steps. So here's the finished look and my video response: 

Check out Juicystar07's video:


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Satin Taupe...

I love easy, quick makeup looks!

Lately, I've been going to my liquid eyeliner and mascara and calling it good. When you have to wake up early, get ready for school and get your toddler ready for the day, there just isn't enough time to play around with eyeshadow.

However, I recently purchased Satin Taupe from MAC and discovered a quick eye look.

I put Satin Taupe all over my lid, a medium matte brown all over the crease and  lightly placed a plum color on the outer crease.

(excuse the eyebrows!)


Monday, December 20, 2010

Outfit of the Day: Sweater Addiction...

 I am loving sweaters and cardigans this month. I've worn one almost everyday so far, and I don't see it ending  anytime soon. They are super comfy and you can dress them up or down depending on the look you're going for. I wore this to run errands with my son and meet with a school group later in the evening.

I've also rediscovered high buns this month. Growing up, I always wore my hair in a bun, being one of the only things I knew how to do with my hair. Once I learned to do other things with it, the bun was thrown to the wayside. I was watching a video on YouTube recently, and the girl in it had a cute high bun. So I thought that I'd give it a try, and I'm loving it!

I wear these boots with almost everything. I need new boots...

I love this owl necklace. Though, it makes a lot of noise when I walk...

I can pretty much guarantee that my next outfit of the day will be another sweater look. You just can't go wrong with them this season. Enjoy!

Sweater: Forever 21
Owl Necklace: Forever 21
Gray Tee: Wet Seal
Boots: Charlotte Russe
Jeans: Bohme Botuique

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wolverine PR Trade show...

The semester is finally over! 
It has been one of my most stressful, yet rewarding semesters of school. I had the opportunity to be in the PR Firm class and take on real clients while working with an amazing group of people. I've been trying to get involved and take on more responsibilities at school to add more to my resume. Meaning, I willingly volunteered to be the account executive for our group. Though I had a great team and the experience taught me a lot, I now have a new found appreciation for group/team leaders (especially when dealing with PR). 

Our client was the Utah Valley University Student Association (UVUSA), and our goal was to raise awareness about organ donation while encouraging students to register as donors. UVU was part of a statewide college competition to get as many people to register as possible. The winning school and the runner-up receive scholarship money for their students. The results are being tallied and will be released in January. 

We organized a UVU movie night with Water Gardens Cinema 6 to raise awareness, invited guest speakers to share their personal experiences about organ donation and set up tables throughout campus and at Make a Difference Day on Oct. 23 to get people to register. 

My team was amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better group. We won second place at our end of semester trade show and I'm so proud of what we were able to accomplish. 

My amazing group minus Justin (we missed you)!

To register as an organ donor, go to It takes a few minutes, but it makes a huge difference. Even if you registered through your driver's license, do it through YesUtah as well. It saves important time when organs are involved.