Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wolverine PR Trade show...

The semester is finally over! 
It has been one of my most stressful, yet rewarding semesters of school. I had the opportunity to be in the PR Firm class and take on real clients while working with an amazing group of people. I've been trying to get involved and take on more responsibilities at school to add more to my resume. Meaning, I willingly volunteered to be the account executive for our group. Though I had a great team and the experience taught me a lot, I now have a new found appreciation for group/team leaders (especially when dealing with PR). 

Our client was the Utah Valley University Student Association (UVUSA), and our goal was to raise awareness about organ donation while encouraging students to register as donors. UVU was part of a statewide college competition to get as many people to register as possible. The winning school and the runner-up receive scholarship money for their students. The results are being tallied and will be released in January. 

We organized a UVU movie night with Water Gardens Cinema 6 to raise awareness, invited guest speakers to share their personal experiences about organ donation and set up tables throughout campus and at Make a Difference Day on Oct. 23 to get people to register. 

My team was amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better group. We won second place at our end of semester trade show and I'm so proud of what we were able to accomplish. 

My amazing group minus Justin (we missed you)!

To register as an organ donor, go to It takes a few minutes, but it makes a huge difference. Even if you registered through your driver's license, do it through YesUtah as well. It saves important time when organs are involved. 

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